4 Apps To Help With Personal Finance

Managing your personal finances is a whole lot easier when you have the right apps on your smartphone. From apps that track where your money goes to apps that help you invest and save money without even noticing, you’re sure to find something here that will help you.

Manage Your Money With Mint

One of the best mobile apps to use to manage your finances is Mint. It can do just about everything you would want an app to do in terms of keeping track of the money coming in and seeing where your money is going.

Stick to a budget, pay your bills, and keep track of your credit score all in one place with one app. This is an example of an app that combines several different concepts into one, with wide-reaching capabilities and more features that make it a clear winner against the competition.

Pay Friends and Family With Venmo

It can be hard keeping track of all of the little debts you owe to friends and family, so why not make it easier to just pay them off as you go? That’s exactly what you can do with Venmo, an app that lets you quickly and easily send money to people you know with the push of a button.

For years PayPal has been the way to settle small debts with your friends, and their new Venmo app has gained a lot of ground and is now one of the fastest growing apps. As more and more people use it it will be easier and easier to send money since the people you know will likely have an account.

Squirrel Away Money With Acorns

Saving money is one of the hardest things to do, especially on a tight budget. The concept with the Acorns app is to save small amounts that can add up to big amounts over time. They link it up so you’re actually saving every time you spend, by rounding your purchases to the nearest dollar and investing the spare change.

If that’s too slow for you you’re able to send recurring amounts to your investment account to watch it grow faster. It’s all designed to be safe and secure and effortless on your part, just spend money like you do every day.

Track Expenses With Wally

Knowing how much you’re spending is a big step in getting ahold of your personal finances. It’s never been easier than with the Wally app, which will show you exactly where your money is going so you can identify any problem areas.

It’s similar to Mint in that it wants to be your all-in-one money manager, and you should try out both apps to see which one you like best.

By helping you keep track of all of your finances you’ll be thinking about them less and in a more positive way so you don’t have to stress out about it. That stress-free feeling makes this collection of fintech apps something you should add to your phone today.

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November 4, 2017 4 Apps To Help With Personal Finance