How to Choose a Financial Planner


Enlisting professional financial planners can be a great way to maximise your personal wealth. The purpose of these professionals is to advise their clients on the most lucrative and efficient ways to save, invest and increase their money. Their role is manifold, and so is their usefulness. They can advise you on all areas of wealth management and optimisation, whether this is to achieve a specific goal, such as buying a house, or has a wider application to your lifestyle as a whole.

Could a Financial Planner Benefit You?

Employing a financial planner is not a requirement for building wealth. Then again, employing a mechanic when something goes wrong with your car isn’t necessarily a requirement for fixing it. In some cases, an amateur would manage just fine on their own; in others, the result would be disastrous. The same can be said of wealth planning. Some people possess the necessary skills to take care of and optimise their income all by themself. Others simply don’t, and for these individuals professional financial planning can prove invaluable.

For those considering mastering their personal finances, it’s important to be realistic about how well you can really manage by yourself. The research and time it takes to build up a passable skill set should not be underestimated. For busy professionals, it often isn’t worth it, and the more money you make, the more complex these matters tend to become, and the more time they require. For the sake of paying out one per cent of your earnings each year, the boons of turning to a financial planner instead can be invaluable.

Finding the Right Financial Planner

For those who choose to look at employing a financial planner, it’s important to know what exactly you’re looking for.

Here are a few tips to help you find the best person for the job:

Go On Recommendations

Even the best qualified of financial planners may be lacking in regards to their customer service, and you don’t want to find this out when you’re already beholden to them. Thus, the first port of call when looking for someone is to ask around. Ask people that share a similar financial and personal situation to your own if they use anyone and use these recommendations to compile a list. This will make a brilliant starting point for you.

Look for CFP Accreditation

One way to quickly narrow down your list is to see which advisory services are CFP accredited. This is the only globally recognised mark of excellence in financial planning, and is an instant sign of credibility. If the financial planner you choose has it, this should ensure that you’ve picked someone well suited to managing your wealth.

Ascertain Credibility

Plenty of businesses have a few skeletons hidden in the closet, and it’s worth finding out what they are beforehand. You should take the time to ask for references from other clients who share similar financial goals, and speak to them to discover whether they’ve had any issues with the enterprise.  You can also perform a Google check to see what comes up, and send an email or make a call to the body responsible for awarding their designation to ascertain that it’s valid. If they’re CFP registered, this information can be found here.

Take the time to do your research and follow our tips, and you’ll find the perfect financial planning service for you.




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January 27, 2015 How to Choose a Financial Planner