Make It As A Single Mom

The role of a single mother is the hardest job in the country. Unfortunately, it’s also the lowest paying job in the country. Despite needing courage, creativity, and perseverance to provide for your family on your own, your single status often comes at a cost for you and your children. Not only are you just one person attempting to care for your kids, but you have just one income, frequently attempting to pay bills without help from your ex-partner. Making it as a single mom relies on your ability to roll with the punches, which means you need to know how to get what’s owed to you regardless of how your ex feels.


The first thing that you need to do is assess your present situation. This means thinking about the state of your current finances. It’s important to ask yourself if your job is financially stable, giving you both the means to provide for your family and enough time off to actually be a part of their lives. It’s especially important for single mothers to have all the possible funds they could have at their disposal. The cost of raising a child until they’re 18 is roughly $245,340, but you can expect to pay more as a growing number of children stay at home well into their 20s. Sadly, this figure doesn’t even include the cost of college tuition.

Every possible dollar you should have includes support from your ex. When the court system has awarded you full custody of your children and child support from your ex, you deserve to see that money in your account. When your former partner (or your child’s Non-Custodial Parent) fails to fulfil their obligations, all isn’t lost. Single mothers can get the support they need with a little organization and the willingness to outsource child support help to the professionals — even if it’s overdue by several years.

Private child support enforcement agencies complement the work your state agency does on your behalf. They increase the number of specialists assigned to your case, so there’s a higher chance of finding delinquent NCPs and getting reliable payments out of them. When you add their help to your support network, you’ll finally be able to add the critical funds that have so far been missing from your account and offset the cost of raising kids. Once you have both your income and essential child support payments from your ex at your disposal, you’ll feel a profound sense of accomplishment for running your household without these financial challenges.


Categories: General

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February 8, 2017 Make It As A Single Mom