Unique Ways to Incorporate Beauty into Your Home Without Sacrificing Cost

It’s pretty normal for a person to be drawn to a feature in their home that costs a bit more than they’re comfortable spending. Often times, people sacrifice their bank accounts to make room for a feature that is beautiful, but is honestly probably not worth the stress ensued by taking out another loan just to front the cost.

What people don’t realize is that there are ways to get around this obstacle, you just have to be open to them and you have to be willing to either do a little research, or get a little creative. If you’re looking for ways to add special touches to your home that look expensive, but don’t break the bank, here are unique ways you can make your home beautiful without sacrificing a whole lot of money:

Opt to Set Things in Stone

Perhaps you’re looking to have your floors be carpet or a beautiful hardwood. You can do either, but why do either when you can get a completely unique, beautiful, and sturdy look by just using concrete? To you it might sound a little cold, sterile and industrial, but you’d be surprised by the variations of looks you can get from a stamped concrete.

Not only can you stamp concrete and make it look however you want, you can also stain it and mold it into something of a masterpiece. It’s durable, resistant to fade and inexpensive to do. In the living areas, all you have to do is lie down an area rug to add a softer flare to the already stunning and unique space.

Use Recycled Items

Another way to have a wonderfully unique home is to use recycled items. If you’re not into the concrete floor, you always use the paper bag floor technique or the copper coin technique. The copper coins can also be used on countertops to create a vibrant and visually interesting surface. Once you lay the pennies down, you glaze the top with a lacquer and you’re good to go. Concrete floors and a countertop made of coins? Does it get any cooler than that?

Pallet the Place Up

You’ve probably seen some of the cool ways people use old pallets to create things around their homes. You can refashion a pallet into almost anything you need it to be. A couch, a bed frame, a headboard, a bookshelf, a coffee table, an art piece; The list goes on.

Pallets are usually pretty easy to find free so the only time that goes into it is whatever you spend for materials to transform them into the masterpiece of your choice. You can get less expensive than that and your home, thanks to recycled items and concrete, is a unique and beautiful place that cost you a lot less than you thought it would.

Categories: Real Estate

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March 31, 2016 Unique Ways to Incorporate Beauty into Your Home Without Sacrificing Cost