How to Make Big Lawn Changes on a Small Budget


If you want a yard that demands attention, without draining your bank account, then look no further. There are plenty of small improvements you can make that can render big results, without paying big bucks. There are a few simple things that you can do that will make a big difference in your landscape.

Tip #1: Layer Flower Beds

The expense of annual or perennial plants is pretty low. You can usually purchase these in bulk at your local nursery or home improvement store. One idea could be to layer your plants in rows, staggering them from tallest to shortest. Simply put the tallest plants towards the back, the medium in the middle and the shortest at the from to really grab people’s attention.

Tip #2: Add a Fence

Putting a lattice fence in your yard is a great way to improve the overall look of the area. You can select one that’s made of a cheaper wood, such as pine, and paint it any color you like. This is an ideal way to add some color that will contrast nicely with your lush, green lawn.

Tip #3: Use Natural Stone

Do you have a quarry nearby where stone is abundant? If so, you may want to check with the supplier to see the variety of sizes and colors that you can select from to do a number of improvements in your yard.

For instance, you could make a sidewalk that leads to your front door, using different colors of natural stone for an incredible look. When winter comes, don’t forget to add some salt or de icer to the walkway, in order to avoid any unfortunate falls.

Another great idea is to build a fire pit that will allow you to cook meals in the backyard and is sure to be attractive and useful at the same time.

Tip #4: Build a Bridge

If you have a small waterway in your lawn, why not build a bridge over it? This is a unique idea that can be inexpensive if you do it on your own. Visit your local hardware store and look for discounted wood supplies or talk to a neighbor about excess materials from a home remodel project.

You can turn your yard into one that’s spectacular, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Simply create a budget, make a plan and make it happen by rolling up your sleeves and getting to work in either your front or backyard as soon as possible!


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March 13, 2015 How to Make Big Lawn Changes on a Small Budget