How to make it Big in the Market as a Small Scale Start-Up

Becoming an entrepreneur is a dream that most people dream for years to be able to achieve. The fun, excitement, and returns that you enjoy when you are on your own boss can never be achieved when you are working as a formal employee. There was a time when most people were reluctant to step into the market as small entrepreneurs because costs of business were too high and it was not easy to get a market breakthrough and connect with your customers. However, today when your customers have smartphones and internet access, and E-commerce platforms are effective and secure, you can pull off a successful business with good strategy at a very low cost.

            In the cyberspace, the customer is more concerned about user experience and what you are offering to them, even if you are a new entity. If you play your cards right, you can easily make it big in the market without spending a fortune.

Have a Brand Strategy

            In order to make it big, you should focus on building your brand than selling your product. Think of products that are more recognized by their brand names such as Pampers and Google. Customers know Pampers and Google more than they know diapers and search engines. There are a dozen competitors reaching out to the same customer every day and it is important that you are able to retain your clients. That is only possible if your brand resonates with your audience.

Digital Strategy

            As the digital arena has taken the center stage, and ATL and BTL have taken the back seat, even larger companies are investing more in developing digital strategies. Digital platforms allow you to have an interactive and personalized relationship with your customers. Focus on building an effective digital strategy that can gain you maximum leads. You should be clear about who your target audience is, how your content will be built and how will you communicate with your customers.


            Content is king in the cyber world. The audience in the digital space is more attracted to good content and anything unique that comes their way rather than evaluating if a business is small or a big. If you have well-made info-graphics on how to prevent obesity, the customer is more likely to spend more time on your digital property and buy your organic product. The idea is to have a clear content strategy. You do not have to restrict yourself to blog posts and images, but use the power of great video as much as you can. You can hire an external video production company to help you with great video content.

Service and User Experience

            Once your digital and content strategy is in place, you need to focus on going an extra mile in terms of enhancing service and user experience. Your customer will leave an excellent product if you will not respond to their query promptly or if your website is too slow. Do not shy away from responding to your customers even in the wee hours of the morning.

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June 20, 2019 How to make it Big in the Market as a Small Scale Start-Up